About Us
Elizabeth Forbes, Principal
Barnstable West Barnstable
2463 Main Street
West Barnstable, MA 02668
Phone: 508.362.4949
Fax: 508.362.1740
Elizabeth Forbes
Administrative Assistant
Suzanne Morgan
School Hours and Procedures
School is formally in session at BWB from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm for Grades K-3.
A student is considered tardy if they arrive after 9:00 am.
A student is considered tardy if they arrive after 9:00 am.
Students may arrive at school between 8:45 – 9:00 am. No supervision is available before 8:45 am so we ask that students not be dropped off any earlier.
Any parents or other adults who escorts their child to the building are asked to say their goodbyes at the front door. This allows teachers in the classroom to provide students with their undivided attention and to begin the school day on time.
Students may arrive at school between 8:45 – 9:00 am. No supervision is available before 8:45 am so we ask that students not be dropped off any earlier.
Any parents or other adults who escorts their child to the building are asked to say their goodbyes at the front door. This allows teachers in the classroom to provide students with their undivided attention and to begin the school day on time.
Parents are also asked not to park in the bus area directly in front of our building. This impedes the ability of our buses to disembark our students safely.
Parents dropping off students by car should veer right at the first fork onto the loop, stopping at the flagpole. Children should exit onto the sidewalk and follow it to the front door entrance.
Parents dropping off students by car should veer right at the first fork onto the loop, stopping at the flagpole. Children should exit onto the sidewalk and follow it to the front door entrance.
Please do not park in the drop-off loop as this impedes the flow of car traffic.
The front door to the building will be locked between 9:15 am and 3:15 pm. Personnel in the main office must buzz all visitors into the building.
If you wish to have your child dismissed early from school, a note must be sent in with your child. A fax or e-mail will also be acceptable.
If a parent/guardian is not picking up their own child, then the note must state who will be picking up. That person must identify himself/herself to school personnel in the office.
Students may be dismissed only to their parent or legal guardian if the request is made by phone.
The student must remain in the classroom until called for on the intercom. All students must report to the office before they are dismissed.
Any last minute requests must by made prior to 3:00 pm.
In the interest of children’s security, the following procedures have been developed:
- Children who are regularly dismissed to parents or authorized persons and for whom we have a note on file will be dismissed at 3:25 pm along with those who have WRITTEN NOTES for that particular day.
- Parents/Guardians need to enter the building to dismiss a child at the end of the school day.
- Parents or other adults who have not sent in notes but who arrive to pick up children will need to be verified before we will release children to them.
- We ask that any person picking up a child be at least 16 years of age.
- Parents who are picking up students at the end of the school day should wait in the school cafeteria and must sign the dismissal log.
- All students being picked-up will be called at 3:25 pm.
- We ask that you exit the building through the door that is located nearest the basketball court.
- Parking is available on the basketball court, which is near this exit door.
Buses normally depart BWB no later than 3:35 pm.
(Excerpt from BWB Handbook)